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Posh Nosh Information


Don't be fooled by our name. Rather as The Carphone Warehouse has never sold carphones, so we have never concentrated exclusively on food—our md, Anthony Zausmer, before cooking professionally trained in cocktails in the late 1970s and is the author of the handbook The Cheat's Guide To Good Cocktails.

Posh Nosh Information delivers to the entire Hospitality Industry a service we believe is unmatched. Each of our associates brings to the table considerable managerial experience in addition to their specific area of expertise, and, coupled to our databases—computer and human—are undoubtedly the key to our success. And that means your success too.


Alexander's Cafe Bar: Feasibility Study Blonde Scouse: Daily Post Story Posh Nosh Kitchen: Cashflow Projection CityTalk Breakfast:
BreakfastLiverpool Blog
Grandma Becky's Kitchen:
All Our Yesterdays
Route 66: